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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    Several projects focusing on clean water in Mumbai
    IVL's work focused on SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation – continues in India. Currently, IVL is working as an environmental consultant in several projects related to clean water in Mumbai, for example the Mithi River Rejuvenation Projects aiming to reduce the pollution load of the Mithi River and restore it to its original state.
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    Marie Fossum Strannegård: The energy crisis has been a wake-up call
    In the spring of 2022, we were reminded of the vulnerability of the global energy system. At the same time, Russia's war on Ukraine has accelerated the phasing out of fossil gas, and many of us have started hunting kilowatt-hours. With a background in the energy sector, IVL's CEO Marie Fossum Strannegård knows the importance of a secure and sustainable energy supply.
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    Biogas is more than energy
    Inside the three green-brown digesters at the Gryaab wastewater treatment plant in Gothenburg, it is warm, brown and bubbly. Sludge from wastewater and fat from restaurants and other large-scale kitchens are blended, fermenting for a few weeks. Out comes biogas, certified fertilizer and maximized environmental benefits.
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    LENS – a new EU project on noise and air pollution
    How can we reduce noise and air pollution in our cities? The EU project LENS aims to assist enforcement authorities, cities, and regulators to decrease noise and air pollution from vehicles like mopeds and motorcycles. The project will carry out measurements in several European cities. IVL will develop test techniques and methods for measuring emissions under real driving conditions, including small particles that are particularly harmful to health.
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    Entire climate system is studied in a new EU project
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is participating in a newly launched EU project which will take a holistic approach to the interaction between impacts, risks, adaptation and measures against climate change. The aim is to break the silo approach, so that integrated assessments can be conducted.