New study presents inhalation and dermal normalisation scores for ProScale
A new study from scientists at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, published in Toxicology Letters, shows that the ProScale method can be integrated into life cycle assessment.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used to quantify the overall environmental impact of products, and methods are increasingly harmonised through e.g. the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative of the European Commission.
So far, methods to assess human toxicity impacts cover the indirect impact of chemicals emitted into the environment. ProScale was developed as a method to fill this gap for a hazard and exposure-based quantitative scoring system for comparing direct chemical risks (corresponding to near-field human toxicity) to workers, professionals and consumers associated with products in a life cycle perspective.
Examples of applying ProScale are emerging, showing that the method works and can be integrated into LCA. But in order to align with other impact assessment approaches for the benefit of LCA and PEF practitioners, there is also a need for a global normalisation score for ProScale. This study presents the results of the first calculation of two such normalisation scores for ProScale, inhalation and dermal.
Read an abstract here Pdf, 70.9 kB, opens in new window.
See a poster about the study Pdf, 493.1 kB, opens in new window.
Read the article here External link, opens in new window. (no open access, unfortunalety)