Revised models for the USEtox tool
Revised models for the integrated USEtox near-field/far-field framework is the title of a new deliverable within the Mistra SafeChem programme. It is written by Peter Fantke and Olivier Jolliet from DTU (Technical University of Denmark) and Lei Huang from the University of Michigan, USA.
This deliverable contains the implementation of global recommendations for advancing near-field/far-field exposure and human toxicity characterization in the UNEP/SETAC scientific consensus model USEtox.
The present version of USEtox is a beta version of the upcoming public release version 3, and is applicable for evaluating chemical emissions and product-related exposure in life cycle assessment (LCA), chemical alternatives assessment (CAA) and chemical substitution, consumer exposure and risk screening, and high-throughput chemical prioritization.
The model can be downloaded at the USEtox website External link, opens in new window..