Prestigious chemistry prize to Belén Martín-Matute
The Mistra SafeChem researcher Belén Martín-Matute, professor at Stockholm University, is the recipient of the Ulla and Stig Holmquist Science Prize in Organic Chemistry 2023. She is rewarded for her pioneering development of new reagents and reactions in organic chemistry.
The Ulla and Stig Holmquist Prize, one of the most significant Swedish scientific awards, is given annually "to a researcher in the field of organic chemistry whose main work has been done in Sweden and who has done pioneering work in that discipline".
The motivation is as follows: “Belén Martín-Matute is awarded for her pioneering development of new reagents and reactions in organic chemistry. A main theme of her research is metal complex-driven catalysis with the aim to make synthetic chemistry environmentally friendly, especially the formation of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. Martín-Matute’s research is of the highest international class and has great influence on central parts of organic chemistry.”
“Very proud of our contributions to this field of research”
What was your reaction to getting the prize?
– I was extremely overwhelmed and exceptionally glad. This is the most prestigious award within the field of organic chemistry in Sweden and having been awarded it made me very proud of our contributions to this field of research. I also reflected on all my students and colleagues who have contributed. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with each of them, Belén Martín-Matute says.
What are your plans for the prize sum?
– First, I will create memories with my children and will start with a trip to London since they are avid Harry Potter fans. Additionally, I intend to make donations to Katthemmet (The Cat Home) and ActionAid, organizations with which I have a longstanding association. Naturally, a portion of the funds will also be allocated to more practical matters.
Will give a lecture at the Holmquist symposium
The prize will be awarded to professor Belén Martín-Matute on October 9, 2023, in the Uppsala Castle.
She will lecture at the Holmquist symposium on October 10. The other speakers are A Stephen K. Hashmi from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany, Eva Hevia, Universität Bern, Switzerland, and Philipp Klahn, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The symposium takes place at the Humanistiska Teatern, Uppsala University. Read more about the symposium and register on September 22, at the latest. External link, opens in new window.