SETAC conference on LCA will be held in Gothenburg
SETAC, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, is organizing an LCA symposium in Gothenburg this autumn together with the Swedish Life Cycle Center.
The SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium is a meeting aimed at gathering the European life cycle community from academia, research institutes, industry, government agencies, consultancies and NGOs to share their latest research, applications and discussions about life cycle assessment (LCA).
The theme is Making LCA Meaningful: Good Data, Better Models, Sustainable Decisions. The symposium aims to contribute to the generation of improved life cycle inventory (LCI) data, to foster the application of better life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and to develop a better understanding of the contexts in which LCA is applied and thus how context should shape the application of LCA.
Several Mistra SafeChem partners are involved. Hanna Holmquist,IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and leader of the work package Life cycle assessment and management, is session chair for Chemical Footprint: Informed Decision Making for Reduced Chemical Risks (session 2.02), together with Olivier Jolliet, DTU.
– We in the programme management look forward to meeting others who are also interested in developing methodology and application of chemical footprint tools. We encourage everyone to submit their contributions, comments Hanna Holmquist.
The conference will be held at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg 21-23 October 2024. Abstract submission is open until 22 May.
Read more on the conference website. External link, opens in new window.