Sandra Moberg, expert on sustainable construction
Sandra is an expert in sustainable construction
Sandra Moberg is an expert in climate-smart and circular construction at IVL. She is involved in several different projects that help companies and organizations make wise environmental decisions. Her assignment is, among other things, to make calculations of the climate and develop new methods and tools for this, as well as making value analyzes for circular construction. She has a master's degree in both architecture and industrial ecology.
– With my job, I have a good combination of my interests. The work is varied with many different exciting issues to address, and I have a little extra focus on climate calculations from a life cycle perspective, says Sandra Moberg.
How do you contribute to a sustainable future?
– Taking care of each other and our resources is a sustainable future for me. This means that we need to think long-term instead of short-term and circular instead of linear. In my job at IVL, I contribute by producing information that shows the consequences of construction. There are a few worse cases, but also good ones to be inspired by, such as recycling.
What gives you energy at work?
– I have always known that I wanted to work with issues that mean something to me and realized early on that environmental issues are important in my working life. I am inspired by the challenge of finding creative solutions. Sustainable construction is complex where several issues are met, including the impact it has on the environment. That is why it is always extra fun when you get one step closer to solutions through good collaborations.
What makes IVL a good workplace?
– At IVL, you have colleagues who are passionate about the environment and their competence is very broad. Because of this you constantly learn a lot about interesting environmental issues while also improving within your own area. It is also very exciting to work with research projects, you get to be creative and take on fun challenges.
You are part of IVL's mentor program, what does that mean for you?
– Being part of the mentor program gives me the opportunity to take part in the experience my senior colleagues have. There is a lot to learn about yourself and your position when you start your career. By actively developing on that front, I believe that I can contribute to creating joy and sustainability for both myself and others.
What are you most proud of at IVL?
– I am proud of IVL's values. That IVL exists to contribute to a sustainable society and not focus on making profit, makes me proud to work here!