NordicPATH works with air quality in the city's parks
How can co-creation be used in urban planning to build a healthier city? NordicPATH will develop a new model for involving citizens in urban planning in the Nordic countries. Air quality and the connection to climate change are in focus. The project will set up four urban living labs with different focus in the participating municipalities.
IVL will, together with the City of Gothenburg and other project partners, map how parks in Gothenburg are used by visitors and link this to air quality and other parameters that affect health and well-being. Through interactive mapping tools, visitors can tell themselves about their impressions and how they use the park, as well as answer questions and give suggestions for improvements.
The project also plans to map the air quality in the park and to involve citizens so that they can measure the air quality themselves. With the help of workshops, the project will connect citizens with park managers and, based on the surveys, discuss opportunities for further development for increased usability, health and well-being of the park's visitors.
Mapping of air pollution and noise in Kungsparken in Gothenburg
Within the NordicPATH research project, we map air pollution and noise in Kungsparken and link it to use and experiences. As part of the survey, we hope you want to answer the questions in our survey.
Contribute to the research while strolling in the park
Project facts
- NordicPATH
- Partners: City of Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, NILU, Aalborg University, Maptionnaire, Aalborg Municipality, Kristiansand Municipality, Lappeenranta Municipality
- Financed by: Nordforsk
- Budget: 12.5 MNOK
- Period: 2020 - 2023