Flexible DH's possibility to contribute to the power grid
The project's long-term goal is that more district heating (DH) companies will be active in the ancillary service markets, contributing to a stable and secure power system.
The project has two main parts.
First, the role and value of having DH contribute to the flexibility markets are examined through a systems perspective using energy system modelling.
The second part aims to increase the possibility and willingness of DH companies to be active in the markets by developing and verifying a tool prototype that calculates the necessary information that DH companies currently lack to engage in the ancillary markets.
Will result in a handbook
Lessons learned from the verification process will be summarised in a handbook for DH companies that also includes knowledge transfer from other DH companies with experience from the markets.
Hence, the project answers both what the value for society is of having an active DH sector on the flexibility markets (national level) and what the value is for the individual company (local level).
Project facts
- Project name: Flexible DH: Increased possibilities for district heating companies to contribute with ancillary services to the power grid
- Budget: 4 645 000 SEK
- Funding: Swedish Energy Agency (Framtidens Elsystem)
- Partners: Utilifeed, Mölndal Energi, Växjö Energi, Hafslund Oslo Celsio
- Period: 2023 - 2026