Internet of Things for sustainable water management
The project IoT for sustainable water management is aiming to develop a platform that will handle data from sensors in the cities' water supply networks.
IoT, Internet of Things, is a collective name for technologies that enable objects with built-in electronics and internet connection to be controlled or exchange data over the network.
The IoT platform developed in this project should be able to function as support for sustainable water management. It should help enable those responsible for the cities' water supply networks to make data-driven decisions, for example for proactive measures such as maintenance. It should also facilitate the work of identifying and tracking sources of leaks or other deviations that need quick action.
The goal of the project is to design an IoT platform that contributes to sensor data being collected, aggregated, and analyzed and, if necessary, shared and/or integrated with other relevant data for digitized and sustainable water management in cities.

Project facts
- Project name: IoT for sustainable water management
- Financier: Vinnova (via Internet of Things Sverige)
- Budget: 2 820 000 SEK
- Partners: Göteborg Kretslopp och Vatten (Sustainable Waste and Water, City of Gothenburg), Stockholm Vatten och Avlopp (Stockholm Water and Wastewater)
- Period: 2022 - 2023