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  3. [2021-03-12] Mistra Carbon Exit Week: four breakfast webinars on climate change
News | 2021-03-12
mistra carbon exit programbild

Mistra Carbon Exit Week: four breakfast webinars on climate change

The interdisciplinary research program Mistra Carbon Exit is nearing the end of its first phase. During four breakfast webinars on 16–19 March, the program brings together researchers, authorities and industry players to present and discuss the latest research and development in the areas of construction, infrastructure, transport and behavior and policy instruments.

– The Mistra Carbon Exit week is a good opportunity to get an overview of what is happening in the climate area in both research and the outside world, says Lars Zetterberg, researcher and program manager at Mistra Carbon Exit.

The breakfast webinars start on Tuesday with the theme of climate-neutral construction. In addition to researchers and industry players, Stefan Nyström, head of the climate department at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, is also participating. Wednesday's theme is climate-neutral infrastructure and participants include Håkan Johansson from the Swedish Transport Administration and Birgitta Govén at Byggföretagen.

– It is gratifying that interest in climate work and reduced emissions in the construction sector has increased sharply in recent years. There are great opportunities to reduce climate impact. In research, we focus on emissions along the entire value chain, from the production of basic materials to finished roads or buildings, says Filip Johnsson, researcher and deputy program manager.

Zero emissions from passenger car traffic is the theme for Thursday's webinar with lectures and panel discussions on electrification, self-driving cars and sharing services. Participants include Frances Sprei from Chalmers and experts at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Volvo Cars.

In the concluding webinar, the three researchers Victoria Wibeck from Linköping University, Anna Kadefors, KTH and Åsa Löfqvist, University of Gothenburg, talk about the driving forces and challenges of leading the climate issue, with a comment from Svante Axelsson on Fossil-Free Sweden.

The webinars are broadcast live from a studio in Gothenburg and are free of charge.

For more information, please contact:
Lars Zetterberg, lars.zetterberg@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 57
Helena Larsson, helena.larsson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 68 23