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  3. [2021-05-04] Apply to the Russia-Sweden Youth Sustainability Academy
News | 2021-05-04
Photo of a city from above. Buildings, green trees and water.

Apply to the Russia-Sweden Youth Sustainability Academy

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the Swedish Institute (SI) welcome Russian youth to a Sustainability Academy, where young people will get the chance to learn about sustainability and innovation in Sweden and get inspiration for the future.

The academy runs for six days and will focus on circular solutions for a sustainable future. Together with experts, the group will dive into topics such as waste management, water management, renewable energy, life-cycle analysis, and also Swedish culture. The Russian youth will get a chance to engage with and get to know Swedish youth interested in creating a more sustainable future for all.

- This is a great opportunity for young people who are interested in these issues and get the tools to really make a difference, says Aditi Bhasin, Project Manager for the Academy at IVL.

The academy will be held digitally on the 23rd-28th of August 2021. The selected participants will be able to listen and interact with Swedish and Russian sustainability experts, go on virtual 360° study visits, engage in case competitions, and more. If the situation allows, some of the participants will also get the opportunity to visit Sweden later this year and deepen their understanding in Swedish sustainable solutions. After completing the academy, the participants will receive a certificate from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The academy is free of charge and the last day to apply is on the 30th of May.

For questions about the Academy, please contact:

Aditi Bhasin aditi.bhasin@ivl.se, +46 (0)10 788 67 08