New guide provides advice on mobility services in residential areas
On behalf of Energikontor Norra Småland, IVL has produced a guide for mobility services in residential areas. The guide is aimed at municipalities and property owners and provides substantial advice and tips on how car pooling and other services can be designed to facilitate sustainable travel.
– The ambition with the guide is to be a concrete support for property owners and municipalities. We have reviewed various studies and experiences that show the effects that can be achieved with mobility services. Then we have developed tips and advice that can be used to offer good mobility services, says Martin Persson, mobility expert at IVL and lead author of the report.
The guide describes how vehicle pools should be designed to work well and what other mobility services can complement pools. The report describes the need for attractive and functional parking spaces, the advantages and disadvantages of locking pools to selected groups and various opportunities to temporarily supplement a car pool with more vehicles when demand is high. Different business models are also reviewed and alternatives for distributing financial risk between property owners and suppliers.
– This subject is relatively new and knowledge is developing rapidly. We therefore believe that there can be great value in spreading these experiences to actors who work with sustainable travel, says Mats-Ola Larsson, mobility expert at IVL.
Other examples from the guide are the importance of pricing car parking in the market and how cycling can be facilitated. Receipt of goods and grocery bags close to the property is described and tips on solutions for such services to work well. Taxi is another example of complementary mobility service. The guide also gives some tips on how real estate players can relate to public transport.
The role of municipalities
One section addresses municipal mobility agreements and the importance of the municipality having a role as coordinator. The report concludes with a standard calculation that shows that mobility services can contribute to energy efficiency in residents' travel by 0.5 to 4 percent.
The report was produced on behalf of Energikontor Norra Småland and is part of the Gomate project in Jönköping. The work has been financed by the Swedish Energy Agency.
– In the Gomate projects, we have collaborated with many different actors to gather and disseminate knowledge and experience about first vehicle pools, which during the project was expanded to mobility services, at the accommodation. I see that the guide will be used by many property owners, municipalities, parking companies, architects and others around Sweden as the interest was great during its development, says Therese Silvander, project manager at Energikontor Norra Småland.
The report can be downloaded here (in Swedish): Guide for mobility services at the accommodation Pdf, 1.3 MB, opens in new window.
For more information, please contact:
Martin Persson, martin.persson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 69 34
Mats-Ola Larsson, mats-ola.larsson@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 68 35
Therese Silvander, therese.silvander@rjl.se +46 (0)72-204 06 23